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Posted Date: 12/14/2015

Thank you to all of the school districts who saw the value of moving to E-Notes Pro and have already upgraded to it over the past 7 weeks since it’s introduction. E-Notes Pro provides guaranteed text delivery times, improved scheduling options, ability to send to all or select individuals from a list, no cell phone carrier, and improved importing. On Friday evening, we pushed out an update to E-Notes Pro subscribers that I’m sure you will love.

Now, when clicking the Add E-Note button, you have the option of creating a Single E-Note (as in the past) and a Combined E-Note (which is new).

A Combined E-Note simply allows you to assign a name to a group of existing E-Notes. You can then send a text or email to all subscribers within the Combined E-Note at one time. Anyone listed in more than one E-Note will only receive one text or email. Here are a few examples of how this can be used.

At the District Level, you can create a combined list called District Emergency Alert. Select the HS, MS, and ES Emergency Notification lists from each campus. Any parent who has subscribed to the HS, MS, or ES Emergency Notification would receive an E-Note sent to the District combined list. If a parent was subscribed to all 3 campuses, they would only receive 1 text or 1 email and not 3.

As a teacher, you may have 4 classes of English 1 and have a separate E-Note for each class. By creating a Combined list of English 1, 1st period, 3rd period, 4th period, and 6th period, a teacher can deliver an E-Note to all 4 classes in one step instead of 4. She can also still just send an individual message to 4th period, if needed.

This upgrade ONLY affects schools using E-Notes Pro. If you would like a quote to upgrade to E-Notes Pro, please let us know. Pricing is based upon student count and speed of delivery.


Teddy Gabbart, President
Gabbart Communications
(877) 810-6894


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